Monday, August 15, 2011


today is a good week to shop. They broought back the 10 with money off.   To noight   we spent 97.00
but we got 220.00 worth of food.
60% saving      you can get dial sopa for 18 cents
minute rice for 38 cents ( the 2 cups )   and then you can get   slices of the cakes comes in 2 pack for 49 cents
we only got one item for free this week   it was some kinde of dressing  we found the coupon on one of the older bottels .  
 this sale is going on for 2 weeks next week we dont have to go shoping wooo unless there is a good coupon in the paper this week to come. 
the math for this trip
w/ coupon + krogers card =98.00
not devied that by 2 round up

since i wount be shoping next week  devide by 2 again
25.00 = a week for food
about   3.50$  a day for food

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