Tuesday, August 9, 2011

FREE stuff this week

ok so i walked the store last night spent 40$   and got 85$ worth    not so good but it was ok

i will tell you   this week the 1$ wish bone dressing you can get for free with coupon
and then the lemmon pops   are 4 for 5$   with coupons you can get all 4 boxes for 1$     but other than that there are no good sales at Krogers   at remkees you can get BOGO smuckers jelly   but since you are buying to you can use 2 coupons and they will take more money off 2 for the the price of one.   

hmm also   this week well no thats every thing   the sales are not that good. thsat just means that they will be better in the weeks to come.   once you start coupong like me you will see the patterin .  2 bad weeks then 2 good ones, so during thouse 2 weeks   live off stock pile and then restock     that why you buy in bulk.   well thats my oppion atleast

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