Monday, August 15, 2011


today is a good week to shop. They broought back the 10 with money off.   To noight   we spent 97.00
but we got 220.00 worth of food.
60% saving      you can get dial sopa for 18 cents
minute rice for 38 cents ( the 2 cups )   and then you can get   slices of the cakes comes in 2 pack for 49 cents
we only got one item for free this week   it was some kinde of dressing  we found the coupon on one of the older bottels .  
 this sale is going on for 2 weeks next week we dont have to go shoping wooo unless there is a good coupon in the paper this week to come. 
the math for this trip
w/ coupon + krogers card =98.00
not devied that by 2 round up

since i wount be shoping next week  devide by 2 again
25.00 = a week for food
about   3.50$  a day for food

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

FREE stuff this week

ok so i walked the store last night spent 40$   and got 85$ worth    not so good but it was ok

i will tell you   this week the 1$ wish bone dressing you can get for free with coupon
and then the lemmon pops   are 4 for 5$   with coupons you can get all 4 boxes for 1$     but other than that there are no good sales at Krogers   at remkees you can get BOGO smuckers jelly   but since you are buying to you can use 2 coupons and they will take more money off 2 for the the price of one.   

hmm also   this week well no thats every thing   the sales are not that good. thsat just means that they will be better in the weeks to come.   once you start coupong like me you will see the patterin .  2 bad weeks then 2 good ones, so during thouse 2 weeks   live off stock pile and then restock     that why you buy in bulk.   well thats my oppion atleast

Sunday, August 7, 2011


this week there are some good deals at wall greeens they are goin to go fast  so HURRY
there is a lotion in the ad that is going for 5.99 and then you get 5 back in rewards and then if you combine it with a coupon for 2 $ off you make 2$ with every one you buy pay 3 get 5

then you can use the credit with the school supplys coupon and make out great    but like i said hurry they will sell out

also tommaro is monday time for my walk through    so i will post tommaro night what you can get at krogers.

Friday, August 5, 2011


iwoke up earlybefor work nd went to Krogers
Iused th rain checkadot 2bottes of DAWN soap  the small ones   for

.76 cents
thats right 24 bottels ofr .76 cents

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


this week

ok so tonighi am goin to walk the store   but what i did last week was buy all the free shamppo and get a rain chek so that i could get 20 more for free whe they go back to 1.99   wooo smart on my part.
this gave me time to have more sent to my house
26 bottels of dawn sop for 6$

also this week at wallgreens you can get some good school supplys for very cheep
i combine the mouth wash coupons and the rebates they give you to get 25$ work of art supplys for 4$  good deal i thouhgt

 SAVE the ice pop coupon for wen krogers   doses 10/10 you can get them free

also   MY new thing is travle size   everything. if the coupon dose not state that it does not work on travle size yo can get it 1$ off and most of the time eather free or 50. cents   ex. Herbal essence   1$ off maes all trave size free   i got 20 bottals for 1$