Sunday, July 17, 2011

sunday coupons

ok i got up and looked over the coupons.
there were a couple good ones to combo with  first at walgreens   the  Michumes deoderant is 2 for $6   when they are normaly 6 each   and then there is a .75 off coupon use 2 of then and then at the reg you get 4$ rewards   .84 cents  then you can use the 4$ twords something ells.

what i did was by 10 of them for 22.50   got 20$ back  and then went and bought
15 hambuger helpers (.75 cents off 3 )
 2 qutips (1.99)
4 soaps  (.99)
and pantine shampoo buy one get one half off ( 3 dollars off 2 )  second ones free and save even move on the first one
(all bought with coupons as well as the credit)

24 dolladrs spent and got almost 90$ worth at wall greens

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