Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

the kings of couponoing

ok so i never have to pay for shampoo again   und it at Krogers  for 92 cens and had 30 coupons to dubble to 1.00   so  only paid 90 cents (tax) for thesampoo  ALL 30

then this week at kogers  you can ge free pasta   from sundays newspaper
free  minute maid ice pops
banquet meals for 19 cents  i  got 50 ofthem for 8$ 
free shampoo   1 off ant pantien product  the coupon dosnot spesify what size  so get the trile size and only pay .49 cents

last eeek got 36 jars of pasta free  at remkies biggs   ya thats right 36

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Exstream couponing

ok so  lately i have been clipping coupons  and i found out that WOW ytou can get alot of things for free or at a very low cost.    

this week at wall greens i got   10 rolls of paper towls for .30 cents   
i am stgocking up on them this weel   and also i was able to get shampoo from krogers for   .69

 the best one was geting   5.99 shampoo for only .99 at walgreens  

 i can let you know how just follow me   and see  .    we could all share coupons