Tuesday, August 24, 2010


It has been a few day since i last posted but i am workin on my class for the Baker Hunt foundation here in KY.  I hope it doesn't get cancled its based on the students.  I am also looking for another job in the art feild. Sales is just not cutting it. I like it but it is not where i want to be.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

whats up

so i am not sure if any one is even looking at this blog but o well.

I am geting my class book ready. It will make teaching my lessons a little better.
but other than that notheing new  picture of the day hmmm this is an old one but here you go

Friday, August 6, 2010

this is just a quick sketch that i did i am going to make it out of clay here in a week or two  i thought it was funny he talks with a lisp and he plays dungons and dragons. this sketch is about 3 years old.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

whats up

Hello this is my first time here but i would  like to start blogging about character design and art work. i would like this to be a place hwere people can blog about their art and even post up some art for others to see.


if you want to look at what i have