Tuesday, December 28, 2010


ok this is what i have my friend still has not sent hers but o well i will post it when she does. this is just a picture i took with my ipohe i didnt want to rip it out and scan it

Saturday, December 25, 2010

almost done

well i am almost done with week one. I will not be coloring it and i inked it by hand    so its okay but i don't like it that much but it is week one   On Monday i thing challenge 2 will be an action movie. I think Lindsy will be doing something with Twilight    i will say though she is good i cant Waite to see what she came up with for the this weeks.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

This Challenge

This week the topic is SUPER HERO . Good luck and to infinity and beyond!!!
most likey i will win because one one reads this  :)

send art  to cturner.1@go.ccad   with your reasons for your work and i will post it on here and wooooo

New idea

OK so i was on line and I was looking at my friends web sight he (Steve) and a friend chose a topic every week and they have one week to draw what ever they feel fits that topic. so I decided to call one of my friends and see if she would like to do that as well i need to get back in to the art and Dam my friend is good and    I mean good.   so i would like to keep on my toes and join in the race . so starting Monday my self and my friend Lindsy will be adding to the blog and we will have our own challenges   and if you are reading this i will be posting them on here too so feel free to join in and summit some work

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


It has been a few day since i last posted but i am workin on my class for the Baker Hunt foundation here in KY.  I hope it doesn't get cancled its based on the students.  I am also looking for another job in the art feild. Sales is just not cutting it. I like it but it is not where i want to be.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

whats up

so i am not sure if any one is even looking at this blog but o well.

I am geting my class book ready. It will make teaching my lessons a little better.
but other than that notheing new  picture of the day hmmm this is an old one but here you go

Friday, August 6, 2010

this is just a quick sketch that i did i am going to make it out of clay here in a week or two  i thought it was funny he talks with a lisp and he plays dungons and dragons. this sketch is about 3 years old.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

whats up

Hello this is my first time here but i would  like to start blogging about character design and art work. i would like this to be a place hwere people can blog about their art and even post up some art for others to see.


if you want to look at what i have